Ana Balica

Hi, I'm Ana.

I'm a software developer. I mostly do Python. This blog is about my adventures with code, travel experiences and relevant life events. I try not to take myself too seriously.

Here's what I'm doing now.

Occasionally I give talks.

Please don't take my words for granted, because Internet is full of bad advice, and I might be part of it inadvertently.

Django week_day Field lookup

Django’s ORM offers built-in field lookups, one of which is week_day. So one can do Sale.objects.get(sale_date__week_day=2) to find out how well is the business doing on Mondays. Wait what? How come 2 is a Monday? According to Python documentation, there...

NDB in-context cache behaviour

NDB allows an App Engine app to connect to Cloud Datastore. It helpfully provides 2 types of caching enabled by default: memcache and in-context cache (also referred to as in-memory cache). Timestamped App Engine Python SDK 1.9.57 Anything wrong with...

Humanizing among coders

This is a transcript of the keynote I gave at PyCon CZ 2016. It’s a bit lengthy, but hopefully worth your attention. Alternatively there’s a video recording of the talk you can watch. Hello! Ahoj! Salut! There used to be...

Code review checklist

Writing code is hard, reviewing it, is equally hard. In my team every ticket is scanned by a second pair of eyes. Why? Half-assed work can make a company look bad, lose money, lose clients, generate stress and extra work,...

Keynote animations: express yourself

Keynote might not be the best tool to create animations, but it’s good enough and provides most common animation tools. Moreover you don’t really want to open After Effects and export a movie just to make an object wiggle a...

Intricacies and optimization of Datastore indexes

It’s nice that development server is so kind to generate Datastore indexes for us, unfortunately those aren’t always optimal and might require some tweaking from our side. Hence it’s important to be knowledgeable on intricacies of index creation. This is...

Datastore indexes basics

If you’ve been developing apps to host on Google App Engine (GAE) and use Google Cloud Datastore database (further referred to simply as Datastore), then you are probably aware of indexes. Simply put, indexes are what makes reads faster with...

A present for you, and you, and you

Not here to try to sell you best Darth Vader mugs, perfect gift for your loved ones - only $9.99! Or am I? Haha! NO. I’ll be sharing how I’m responsibly prepping for my family and friends special occasions (think...

Profiling a Django App hosted on Google App Engine

Ever used Django with App Engine? How about the Datastore? Well, if you didn’t Potato actually developed an in-house solution called Djangae that makes Django play nicely and almost seamlessly with the Datastore via its ORM. As if you are...

Mistune custom lexers - we are going deeper

Mistune is the fastest markdown parser written in pure Python. And it has good documentation. At least so it seemed until I tried to write a custom lexer (hint: tests are a good source of inspiration). Vocabulary Even though this...